Tax Procedure
Dear Customer!
No sales tax on orders outside the state of Nevada
The TORNADO Blender Company's physical presence is located in the state of Nevada. Therefore, only sales within the State of Nevada are subject to sales tax. All other sales to customers with a shipping address outside of Nevada are not subject to sales tax.
In addition to that, we are also below the thresholds that many US states introduced after the "South Dacota v. Wayfair, Inc." case.
Thankfully, the legislation provides a safe harbor for small businesses like us. A remote seller must make in-state sales exceeding certain sales-amounts or a certain number of separate sales transactions in the previous or current calendar year for the nexus provision to apply - we are below these thresholds in all US states.

Example 1: Joe from MIAMI, FLORIDA, purchases items from us:
Example 2: Jane from RENO, NEVADA, purchases items from us:

We hope this information helped you understand the latest tax regulations when it comes to online sales. If you still have any questions or are unsure about whether your order is subject to sales tax please feel free to contact us at any time!!!
Updated 07/25/2023